No Planning Required: 7 Homeschool Activities to Make Learning Fun

Homeschooling doesn’t have to be boring! I’m sharing homeschool activities to make learning fun for your children that take little to no planning!

As a busy working mom, it can be tough to make learning fun when you are short on time. I’m excited that Alexandra Eiden, the founder of Big Life Journal, will be sharing some of the best ways to add fun to your homeschool with little to no planning.

Pull up a chair and dive into homeschool activities to make learning fun.

Learning fun activities for kids

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Make Learning Fun

Homeschooling has a lot of benefits and is slowly becoming a more progressive way of providing education for your kids.

However, it still has a lot of things it could lack if you don’t learn how to balance things. One thing that might get lost is a sense of fun learning when your school is your house.

7 Homeschool Activities to Make Learning Fun

If you homeschool your kids, you should also consider looking into activities that will make learning a fun activity for them. Here are seven activities to help you get started:

1. Play Learning Games

Aside from basic cooking, there are a lot of learning games that will make learning a lot more interactive for your kids.

For one, gamifying your lessons can help your kids learn how to apply what they’ve learned in different situations outside of those in the classic textbook problems. It sharpens their problem-solving skills as well as their creativity.

In relation to this, you can use printables for kids as a form of reward for a job well done.

Make sure that you have learning games that are appropriate to your kids’ age, as well as the home-schooling lessons that they are taking at the moment before you add them to your homeschool supply list.

Learning fun shapes for homeschool

2. Learn About Shapes

If you have very young kids, then you can start homeschooling them by teaching them all about shapes. It’s a simple lesson that you can do and execute well since you are literally surrounded by all sorts of shapes.

Teaching your kids the basics should be the first step. They should be able to identify the basic outlines of these shapes. Then, you can ask them about real-world things and what their shapes are so they can picture them better.

This lesson will help your younger kids have better visual perceptions and it will make them better at making connections between what they see and what they know.

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3. Learn New Songs

Singing is a fun activity for your kids and it’s easy to incorporate into your homeschooling lesson plan. Learning how to sing new songs develops any musical skill that your kid might have. Plus, music will put people in a good mood most of the time.

Learning how to play songs, whether through singing or through an instrument, will sharpen a variety of motor skills for your kids. Also, you can teach them how to appreciate music in their life by getting them to learn new songs every now and then.

If your kid looks like they’re starting to develop a passion for music, then you should cherish and grow that passion in them when you can.

4. Read Together

Reading together is an activity that your younger kids will enjoy. It will help them develop both their reading skills and listening skills.

You should try and be animated as a storyteller so that your kids can learn the art of expression.

Learning fun activities reading

5. Tracing

If your kids are only starting to learn how to write, then help them out by giving them a paper with letters printed out in a way where they can trace over them.

Ask them to trace these sheets over and over so that they get used to the look of the letter. This will help them develop their writing ability over time.

A few homeschool activities to make learning fun for tracing practice are:

  1. have your kids trace the letters and shapes in whipping cream on a plate
  2. finger trace in a pan of rice
  3. let them trace on the windows using these dry erase markers that say “window” on the package

6. Teach Them Basic Cooking

The great thing about homeschooling is that you get to be more flexible with your curriculum. With that said, you should try and incorporate more life skills into their learning so that they can have a representation of what learning looks like in real life.

One important life skill to learn is how to cook. Teaching your kids how to cook during a home economics lesson is always fun since they get to create a delicious meal by the end of it. Plus, it teaches your kids to be comfortable around the kitchen.

Teaching your kids even only the preparation part is already a big step towards making them more capable in the kitchen as they grow older.

If you are looking for easy, fun recipes for kids, be sure to check out my Kid-Friendly Recipes Cookbook. It’s a great way to get kids started in the kitchen.

7. Practice Mindful Eating

Teaching your kids how to be mindful will help them be more aware of their thoughts, their feelings, and the sensations that they physically feel. Additionally, teaching your kids about mindful eating will help them learn how to be mindful of their body’s reactions to eating.

This can give rise to good eating habits. If your kids are mindful, they will know when they’re actually hungry. They’ll know when their body is actually thirsty and needs water. They’ll also be more aware of whether they’re eating out of hunger or simply out of boredom.

To better teach this to your kids, you yourself should be practicing mindful eating. Doing so will make it easier for you to articulate and interpret the goal of the practice.

One way to make practicing mindful eating fun is to include it in your homeschool and make it an activity. Don’t be afraid to get creative with the food they eat such as cutting it up in fun shapes, mixing up different tips, or trying new foods.

One homeschool activity to make learning fun is to eat with your senses. Try asking your kids these questions next time they are having a snack:

  • What shape is your food? What color is it?
  • What does it feel like, hard or soft?
  • What do you smell? My kids swear celery has a strong smell that I never noticed.
  • Do you hear anything?
  • What does it taste like?

Homeschool Activities to Make Learning Fun

Homeschooling is an option that a lot of working moms are choosing nowadays. And if you’re one of them, then don’t forget to inject some fun into your lessons.

After all, they’re still kids so you still need to stimulate them in one way or another. Might as well add a lesson with it.

What is your favorite way to make learning fun in your homeschool?


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Alexandra Eidens is the founder of Big Life Journal, an engaging resource with printables for kids to help them develop a resilient growth mindset so they can face life’s challenges with confidence.

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Making learning fun

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