Interview Feature With… Me! A Working Homeschool Mom

Interview Feature with…is a favorite feature of myself and readers. Designed to encourage busy moms by sharing interviews with homeschoolers that are not only homeschooling but juggling other things as well.

Today I am putting myself in the hot seat!

I have had a few readers asking me to answer the same questions I ask my guests so I decided that this might be fun.

So by all means, grab a drink and join me while I answer your questions!

Im putting myself on the hot seat answering your questions. Get your answers from a working homeschool mom

Question 1: Please share with us what made you begin the homeschooling adventure with your children?

I was never going to homeschool. I didn’t want to be one of those people with weird kids. You know what they say. Never say Never.

Plus if you know me, my kids were doomed to be weird from the beginning. 😉

I planned on public school right up until the moment the teacher told me she didn’t want my son in her class. She suggested I homeschool. For the record, I thought she was crazy! I didn’t have the patience for that.

And guess what? I was right, I did not have the patience for it, but I learned, and he learned and we fell in love! The rest is history in the making.

Question 2: What is your homeschool guiding principle?

My end goal is for my children to love to learn. I also want them to be prepared for life as much as possible. To understand that just because you don’t know something doesn’t mean you can’t learn.

Question 3: How would you describe your homeschooling style?

Textbook and workbook with a side of crazy thrown in. Is there a label for that?

My children thrive on schedules and love textbook and workbooks.

They do not like change, interruptions, not knowing what’s next or winging it in any shape or form.

The “crazy” is when life doesn’t allow us to stick to the plan. It can be fun and stressful.

Question 4: What is the hardest homeschooling challenge you have had to overcome?

Returning to work. Hands down the hardest thing I’ve done homeschooling wise yet. I wasn’t prepared for all the changes. I went back with blinders on thinking nothing would change. I was so wrong on so many levels.

[irp posts=”2955″ name=”Returning to the Workforce as a Homeschool Mom”]

Question 5: Share a homeschooling win with us that stood out to you?

This changes depending on the day.

When my kids start learning things I haven’t taught them my heart just swells. It totally makes my day.

Also, when I see them giggling over a project. Like making cookies together, playing games, building games, etc.

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Those are the memories I’ll cherish.

Question 6: If you could go back and redo something in your homeschooling journey what would it be and why?

I would have realized that learning doesn’t just happen in books.

Your kids are always learning. I would have walked away from the books more and spent more time exploring and discovering things.

Question 7: As a homeschooling mom, how do you find time to fit all the moving parts of homeschooling your children, working outside the home, and inside the home?

Setting priorities is the only way.

I start with the things I must do or the bigger blocks and fit the rest around that.

There are things that never get done (hello laundry and dishes) and things I don’t do enough but I have come to learn that those things will wait for you. I’ve yet to come home to a self-cleaned house.

My kids, on the other hand, will not wait. Someday they will be gone and my dusty house will be waiting.

[irp posts=”6311″ name=”Simple Scheduling for Your Crazy Working Homeschool Life”]

Question 8: What do you wish non-homeschoolers knew about homeschooling?

I sincerely believe homeschooling is not for everyone.

It is a choice my husband and I made for our family and we feel it is the best for us right now.

I believe everyone can, not should. Which is why I won’t tell you to homeschool your child. 

Question 9: If you could give a piece of advice to a parent who is considering homeschooling, who is also working, what would it be?

Take a deep breath and stock up on chocolate?

Also, I would suggest you allow yourself some grace. Things are going to change.

For me, it was the curriculum. I was thrown for the fact that the ones I counted on stopped working.

Also your schedule. Be as scheduled as you need to be to make it work.

Lastly, find a support system that works for you. Someone you can talk with, vent to, that gets it and “gets you.”

[irp posts=”6311″ name=”Simple Scheduling for Your Crazy Working Homeschool Life”]

Question 10: When children that are homeschooled are talking to you, what is the one thing you wish you could tell them?

Follow your passions. Hug your parents.

Question 11: How do you find time to take care of yourself?

I straighten my hair. Honestly.

See I have super curly hair. If you have curly hair you might know the “care” is pretty much don’t anger the beast.

Having straight hair makes my life easier, I can get up, brush it and go!

However, it takes me 30-45 minutes to straighten my hair. So this is my “me time”. I shut the door, put on a podcast, audiobook, music and do my hair.


I also get up every day early depending on my health and that allows me a few minutes to figure out my day, get some coffee in my veins and prepare for the crazy.

The last thing I do is work out at the gym. Exercise is a great way to blow off steam, clear out the cobwebs and chill.

If I am having a really hectic day and I am home – I walk the dog. You can bet your bottom dollar I’ve walked miles in my yard blowing off steam. Ha!

You can read how I fit that all in here in my Day in My Life Series.

Question 12: How to fit in work and family time without feeling guilty?

Ah, the guilt. This is a personal struggle for me.

I am always beating myself up for something be it missing something important due to work, yelling at the kids because I am exhausted, putting myself down etc.

So let me break down the things I do to lessen the guilt. It’s a work in progress.

I try to be present as much as I can with my kids. So when they want to show me every single building block in Minecraft (I kid you not!) I try my best to focus on what they are saying. I walk away from my work online, if I can, shut the computer and tune in. Whatever it is.

I make sure I spend one on one time with my kids and husband every single day. I use these 3 basic steps to do that.

[socialpug_tweet tweet=”What happens when you start homeschooling kids who hate change while working? #homeschoollife #homeschool #workingmom” display_tweet=”What happens when you start homeschooling kids who hate change while working?”]

I set times they can not bother me. The awesome part of blogging is I can stop pretty much whenever I need. Probably half the reason it takes me forever to write a post. It is so worth it. However, there are times I can not. Facebook lives and recording videos being just two of them.

Having this time allows me to focus and power through what needs to be done.

The guilt of working outside the home is the hardest to overcome as I can not control that. I use methods to keep in touch with my family while at work but it is a far cry from being right there.

As a parent, you do your best. I try to focus on the positive aspects such as them learning from others, being independent and hugging me every day!

Question 13: Your website offers so much information for working homeschoolers, can you tell us what your favorite parts are?

Oh, I love to hate this question! How do you choose your favorites?

Here are the posts readers seem to like the best:

Lastly to get support join The Working Homeschool Mom Club!

Thanks for reading. I hope I’ve answered some of your questions. Read the rest of the series! 

I'm answering your questions come find out how I juggle working and homeschooling!

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