A “Day” in My Life Series

When people find out that I work outside the home, inside the home and homeschool, one of the first questions they ask is, “How do you do it all?”

The easy answer is. “I don’t.”

One of my favorite online things to read is when the writers share a bit of what their everyday life is like. Last year I shared mine and was looking forward to seeing the changes in my “day” from last to this year.

Day in the life-series what homeschooling and working look like for me

There arose a problem.

In our homeschool schedule, we have 3.5 homeschool days a week which in turn results in a few very different “days” in my week. I was stuck.

Which one would provide the most encouragement, inspiration, and a real look at my life?

Since I just couldn’t decide. So I asked my go to people…my readers. YOU!  After all, you are the ones reading, so why not?

Turns out you wanted to hear about all of them.

Therefore I will be sharing each day with you. You will note some things are very similar and some are very different. I will be sharing our actual schedule we are using right now.

Before you hop over to read please, please, please, keep in mind that homeschooling is very personal. It is unique each family. What works for my family may not work in yours. And that is okay!

I share these “behind the scenes” stories so you can see that homeschooling isn’t always pretty, clean, neat and tied with a bow. Homeschooling is hard, exhausting and just plain ugly some days. And some days are normal, boring and uneventful.

Just like life.

So go ahead, read, laugh, cry and shake your head in dismay. Take away encouragement and inspiring ideas that you can try. As for the things you know will never, ever work for you – let those go. Guilt free.

Be you.

Welcome to my crazy life…

1. A “Day” in My Life: Homeschooling and Working Outside of Home

2. A “Day” in My Life: Homeschooling and Working Inside the Home

3. A “Day” in My Life: Homeschooling and Working

Sharing what my crazy upside down life looks like with working, homeschooling, and teens. Life runs on coffee!

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