A Stress Mastery Super Mini Course For Busy Moms

Stress. Have you noticed how crazy life is right now?

Most of us flick on the news and duck because we have no idea what will hit us. Or, if you are like me, you avoid watching the news as much as possible, opting for a digest instead. 

It can seem like everything around us is designed to add more stress to our lives.

Did you know that according to one study, moms with a paying job end up working 98 hours a week between their job and running their household? 

Tired? Stressed? With a 14-hour workday, you’d be tired and stressed out too. And that is not including the extra layer we have as homeschool moms. 

Working homeschool mom feeling stress

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The Lack Of Stress Mastery

Today I yelled at my kids. I had a million things on my mind, from deadlines to bills, and arguing with my teen was not on my to-do list. 

I could feel it coming. The frustration. The annoyance. Did he really just say that?? The stress of being a busy working homeschool mom. 

My son and I often butt heads, I know I don’t always see things from his perspective. I know I need to step away for a few minutes to calm my butt down before I lose it.  

“Because I said so!” Do you ever open your mouth, and your mother comes out? Yeah, that. 

I knew the warning signs. I should have backed off and taken 5 minutes to calm down.

Knowing and doing is not always the same, is it? The mom-guilt pressure is pretty intense sometimes. We know our kids learn more from what we do than what we say. I knew I needed to learn to demonstrate how to handle stress better. 

Stress Mastery For Busy Moms Super Mini Course

Katie, the creator of the kids cooking course we love, recently released a brand new course for busy moms called “Stress Mastery For Busy Moms Super Mini Course.” 

Now, to be honest, I wasn’t that excited about the course. It sounded, well, boring. I was sure it would be the same advice you always find. 

Even though I knew stress was something we all cope with, I wasn’t sure I wanted to invest time and money in the course. 

However, a few weeks later, I injured my back. I wasn’t able to move for a few days. What better time to learn about stress mastery and management than when you are stuck in bed and can’t move??

Since I couldn’t do anything else, and I hate sitting around doing nothing, I dove in!

And I am so glad I did! 

Stress mastery course by katie

What You’ll Learn In This Program:

As working moms, we have a lot on our plate, and if we aren’t careful, the stress can take over and impact us (and our families) in the worse possible way.

The Stress Mastery Super Mini Course For Busy Moms will teach you:

  1. What is stress, and how does it hurt us? (and our family)
  2. How is stress mastery different from stress management? (Hint: You know you can’t just reduce your stress…this method validates that)
  3. How will you master your stress so you can live your life with your best health (and be the best peaceful mom you can be)?
  4. Super practical tools to recharge your system (that you can put into practice in just minutes a day)

For my secular readers: The “Stress Mastery for Busy Moms” mini course mentions prayer as one tool to help cope with stress, but still a great encouragement and resource.

What Is Included:

We all learn differently. I appreciated that the Stress Mastery Course came in different formats. 

  1. Three video seminars (just under 2 hours total)
  2. Downloadable audio files so you can listen to the presentations instead of watching
  3. Printable worksheets and skim notes to supplement your learning (and speed it up if you don’t have time for the videos)
  4. Text reminders to implement the strategies. It’s one thing to understand a new habit, but it’s completely another to implement!  Be sure to share your cell number during checkout if you want to opt-in to this helpful addition!

How Will This Course Stress Mastery Course Help You?

We want to be loving moms and raise balanced kids, but sometimes we fail. 

We can load up on chocolate and coffee, which will help us feel better for a little while. It’s a great quick fix! 

But if we really want to dig deep to fix the stress problem, we must learn new time management techniques to reduce stress, new habits, and tools to master our stress. 

With Stress Mastery Super Mini Course For Busy Moms: 

  1. You’ll be validated by understanding that your stress means something.
  2. You’ll feel relieved that there is hope for positive change.
  3. You’ll be empowered with the knowledge to improve your stress responses, reduce your temper, and become a more calm, peaceful (effective) mom!

I’ve always appreciated that Katie’s resources are always based on solid research and super practical tips and strategies to use right away! 

This course is no different. You’ll learn exact methods to truly transform the stress you feel into something that can help you through your life, taking only a few minutes a day. 

It is totally worth the time and money!

Woman studying about stress mastery

How To Prepare To Watch The Stress Mastery Videos:

To make the most of your time and energy, use these tips to set yourself up for success and get the most of these videos:

1. Choose your time:

Pick a time when you can pay attention mentally and have the time to focus. 

Each of us has natural rhythms to when we are the most productive. You know, the whole morning bird, night owl thing? Make sure to choose a time when you are alert. 

2. Let your family know:

If you have kids home, let them know what you are doing and that you don’t want to be interrupted for the next few minutes. Communication with your family is key when you need time to focus on something, such as a course or work. 

Since the videos are relatively short, from 30 minutes to 45 minutes each, you can take advantage of nap times, screen time, or playtime. 

3. Ditch distractions:

As a mom, I get distracted super easily. I need to take action to reduce distractions before they happen. 

For me, it means closing the 15 open tabs, putting away my phone, and keeping it out of reach.  

Try to anticipate what might distract you and remove the distraction ahead of time. 

4. Tools to help you focus:

How do you learn best? I like to jot down notes as I learn. Make sure to grab an empty notebook and your favorite pen to jot down points and then apply them. 

For some, music helps them focus. Load up a playlist and turn down the volume. 

I also like food and drink with me when I am learning, so feel free to snag your favorite snack

Quote about stress mastery

A Warning: Don’t Binge-Watch All The Sessions

The biggest gap in our lives is between knowledge and implementation. We know that we should do certain healthy things, but implementing it in our daily lives is difficult.” -Katie 

How many of us busy moms know we should be looking after ourselves? We KNOW, but do we do?? 


One of the problems with getting access to all the sessions at once in any course or program is not allowing yourself time to implement what you are learning. 

That is why I love email courses that are dripped out. It removes the pressure to watch/learn all the things and skip applying them. 

If you don’t apply what you are learning, there is no benefit. It’s a complete waste of time.

And we both know we don’t have time to waste. Therefore, after each session, pick one thing you can try immediately to help you master your stress. 

I recommend spreading it out over a few days, but make sure you write in the days you want to watch the course in your planner!

For example, I chose three work blocks in the same week. I wrote it down and set reminders on my phone. 

Lastly, I recommend creating a deadline. Deadlines can help motivate you to get it done! Don’t let this great course sit collecting dust on your computer. 

If you are ready to learn more about the Stress Mastery Super Mini Course For Busy Moms and how it can help you, click here. 

Think you don’t need this class yet? Don’t wait until you have a life-threatening “story” to course correct! Take steps now to take control of your stress level and create a plan.

Take care,


PS. Need a little more self-care help? Check out our Simple Self-Care Kit!

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A stress mastery course designed for busy moms

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