The One (or 50) Things That You Need To Know As A Working Homeschool Mom

If I asked you, What is the one thing that every working homeschooling mom needs to know? What would you say?

If you can only pick one it is pretty hard, isn’t it?

How about we narrow it down to 50 things you need to know?

The One (or 50) Things That You Need To Know As A Working Homeschool Mom[adinserter block=”2″]

50 Words of Advice You Need To Know As A Working Homeschool Mom:

  1. It’s worth it. All the hard work, sweat, tears, laughter, it pays off.
  2. Relax. Enjoy the good days. Don’t stress about every. little. thing.
  3. How to get it all done. And what that really means to you.
  4. It’s going to be okay. We get so caught up in keeping up with others. Stop. It’s going to be okay.
  5. This time with your child is priceless. Having two teens who I swear were 2 yesterday I just realize now the importance to cherish every second.
  6. It isn’t as hard as you think it is.
  7. You can do it. You can say no to Public School and homeschool your child. Anyone can do it. (Not saying you should, saying you can!)
  8. You need to know your child. Every kid is different, with different interests, personality, and learning style. You can be the best teacher in the whole world, but if you don’t know your kids, you are less likely to hit your goals and less likely to connect with your kids.
  9. Homeschooling is not scary, it’s an extension of parenting. You’ve been doing that since they were born.
  10. Your child is always learning. Once you get that. It takes a ton of pressure off yourself.
  11. As a working mom, it is okay to feel you have the best of both worlds. Stop feeling guilty about it.
  12. You’re not going to ruin your kids!
  13. Take breaks. For you and for your kids. (If you need ideas on what a Learning Break is read: How to Take a Learning Break This Winter)
  14. The best hiding places for chocolate. Get the stuff with the non crinkly wrapper. Trust me.
  15. How to disconnect from a public school mentality, such as they are only learning while sitting down.
  16. How to throw out any expectations you may have and follow your kids’ lead.
  17. How to use Google. (I’m still learning this one, ha!)
  18. Love is always the correct answer. For both you and your child.
  19. No school be it public, private, online or home – is perfect.
  20. No one is perfect. Not me. Not you. When you mess up, say sorry, fix what you can, hug, or eat ice cream. Tomorrow is a new day.
  21. Bad days do not make you a bad parent. Bad days happen we all have them. (No, really they do!
  22. You didn’t have to ace public school to be an effective homeschool teacher! Or have a teaching degree to teach your child. (Or have grade 10 math for that matter *ahem*)
  23. Nothing is forever. Not homeschool. Not Public School. Not the program you are currently using.
  24. Each child is unique so cater to each person in your family, including you.
  25. Do what works for you. Until it doesn’t. Then change it until you find what works. Repeat as needed.
  26. Your child is not behind. Every child learns at their own pace.
  27. Homeschooling meets your child where they are at. You can be in many “grade” levels at once.
  28. Fighting and forcing it never gets you anywhere. If something isn’t working. Try another day or another way.
  29. People will offer opinions even when not asked. Homeschooling is between you, your significant other and your children.
  30. They’re your kids. You love them. You want what’s best for them-whatever that might be.
  31. Grace. Write it down. Stick it on a sticky note.
  32. You are doing enough. Tell yourself this every single day. Momma! You are a enough!
  33. Every plan is always editable! That is why pencils have erasers!
  34. It’s your school, not the your best friend’s school, so don’t compare yourself and your children to theirs!
  35. How to make a pot of coffee. For Real. (Okay fine…tea!)
  36. There is going to be a day when you will probably be tempted to flag down a school bus and throw your children on board. This is normal! Have a plan for this.
  37. Remember the goal of learning is not speed. It is understanding.
  38. How to find time for you. Even if you don’t have time! (Check out this post for great ideas you can do in as little as 30 Minutes! 
  39. No homeschool mom has it as put together. She might just fake it better. We all feel like we are falling apart most of the time.
  40. Find time to plan. Be it the night before or in chunks in each season, or the beginning and end of each month or week.
  41. Be prepared to watch that plan go flying out the window.
  42. Homeschoolers with working parents have a new routine every day. This might come as a shock at first.
  43. Remember your personal why. It will guide you in your way.
  44. Your homeschool motto is important.
  45. Balance is not always equal. Its fitting what you need to get done in your life. Think pieces of a puzzle. That keeps changing.
  46. There is no one way to homeschool. 
  47. Homeschooling is more flexible than you think.
  48. Ask your children what they think is working and what they think isn’t working. Then shut up and listen. You might learn a thing or two.
  49. Keep it simple.
  50. Don’t do it alone.

Consider this your dose of encouragement, a whole list of words of advice you need to know. Hang in there!

Take care, 


PS. In a world as big as this no one should ever feel alone. It’s why I created “The Working Homeschool Mom Club”. The group is a free, private Facebook group with the most positive, supportive, and kick butt working homeschool moms out there. It’s the perfect place to get feedback, make friendships, and ask questions. You can join right here!

Are you wondering what you need to know as a working homeschool mom? Here is a list of 50!

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