5 Time Management Hacks for Working Homeschool Moms

If you’re trying to homeschool your kids while working from home, you’re probably all too familiar with the constant juggle. Some days, it feels like there’s simply not enough time to get everything done.

You’re not alone! Figuring out how to balance work, school, and home responsibilities can be one of the toughest parts of being a working homeschool mom. But with the right time management hacks, you can regain control of your day.

The good news? There are simple, practical ways to take control of your time, lower your stress, and make life more manageable. In this post, we’ll walk through five time management hacks for working homeschool moms that will help you stay productive without feeling overwhelmed. By following these tips, you can create a smoother flow to your day and start feeling more in control.

Want more tips on managing your time? Check out our guide on time management for busy moms, packed with strategies to help you juggle all the things.

woman sitting at a computer on the floor, text Time Management Hacks Every Working Homeschool Mom Needs

How to Choose the Right Hack for You

Hacks are things that make life easier. “a strategy or technique for managing one’s time or activities more efficiently” –Merriam-Webster

From my experience working and homeschooling for many years—and coaching others—I’ve learned that the key to finding the right hacks is to look for bottlenecks in your day. Pay attention to when things fall off the rails, causing stress or anxiety. Those moments often point to areas where a simple solution, or hack, can make all the difference.

When you’re choosing a hack to try, here are a few questions you should ask:

  • How will this help me? Is it targeting a real issue or just adding something extra to your plate?
  • How hard is this to implement? Sometimes the simplest solutions are the most effective.
  • What can I adjust from what I’m already doing? Tweaking your current routine can often have the biggest impact.
  • What resources do I need? Do you have what you need to make this hack work (time, tools, or support)?
  • How will I measure if it’s working? Set a clear way to track whether the hack is actually helping.

5 Time Management Hacks Every Working Homeschool Mom Needs

Now that we know how to choose a time management hack, let’s break down each hack and see how it might work for you. Remember to use the questions above to see if these time management hacks will work for working homeschool mom life.

1. Time Blocking with Realistic Breaks

Time blocking is a strategy that many moms use to create structure in their day, but let’s turn it into a time management hack by adding flexibility and making it work for you.

One way to do this is by building in realistic breaks—intentional moments to rest or reset that prevent burnout and keep you productive throughout the day.

For example, instead of just blocking time for homeschool lessons from 9 am to 11 am, include a 10-minute break at 10 am for your kids to have a snack or stretch their legs. This gives you time to reset and move into the next part of your day with more focus.

The hack side of time blocking is about making sure you’re not just scheduling tasks back-to-back but adding breathing room where you need it. Think of these breaks as your mini recharge sessions—they can keep you from hitting that mid-afternoon wall.

You can check out my full post on time blocking for moms to learn the strategy in more detail, but the key is using it as a tool to reduce stress, not add to it.

Wondering how this time management hack can help you? Instead of trying to go nonstop, this hack helps you to recharge throughout the day, preventing overwhelm. By including breaks in your time blocks, you’re ensuring that both you and your kids have a more manageable schedule, which means less frustration and more energy for both work and homeschooling.

2. Prioritize the Non-Negotiables (Before Things Get Crazy)

When life gets off the rails (and let’s be honest, it often does), having a simple hack to fall back on can save the day. One of the best time management hacks is pre-deciding your non-negotiables before things get chaotic. Think of this as your “emergency priorities list.”

Here’s how it works: Identify the three things that must get done every day, no matter what. These are the non-negotiables that move the needle in both your work and homeschool. For example, maybe that’s a client call, your child’s math lesson, and getting dinner on the table. Write these down at the start of your day or even the night before.

Now, when the day inevitably goes sideways—whether it’s a sick kid, a work crisis, or just a rough homeschool day—you don’t have to waste time or mental energy figuring out what to focus on. You already know. Everything else can wait.

This hack reduces decision fatigue when things feel overwhelming. By knowing your top three non-negotiables ahead of time, you can let go of the guilt or stress of not getting everything done. You’ll feel accomplished just by tackling those key things, even if the rest of the day doesn’t go as planned. It’s about keeping your priorities clear and your stress low.

If you need more help in this area, I walk you through how to prepare your schedule and make quick pivots when life gets chaotic in my Prep & Pivot Program.

3. Use Timers for Focused Work (and Make It Actually Work for You)

You’ve probably heard about using timers a million times, but if you’re still wondering how this really benefits a busy working homeschool mom, here’s the deal: it’s less about the timer itself and more about giving your brain permission to focus and take a break.

Here’s how you can make it work for you: Pick one task you’ve been putting off or that feels overwhelming—maybe it’s tackling emails, prepping a homeschool lesson, or working on a client project. Set a timer for just 15 minutes. You’re telling yourself, “I only have to do this for 15 minutes, and then I can stop.”

This small window of time tricks your brain into focusing because it doesn’t feel like a huge commitment. Once the timer goes off, you’ve either made progress or maybe even finished the task. If not, take a 5-minute break and decide whether you want to do another 15 minutes. This makes even the most daunting tasks easier to start—and starting is usually the hardest part!

Imagine it’s 3 PM, and you’re completely drained from juggling homeschool and work. Instead of pushing through without focus, set a 15-minute timer to answer those important emails you’ve been avoiding. Once that timer goes off, you’ll likely feel more accomplished, and you’ve given yourself permission to take a breather after. This helps you avoid burnout while still making progress on your to-do list.

Want more on how to use timers effectively with kids when you work from home? Check out this post for extra tips on how to use a timer with kids.

Using a timer breaks down overwhelming tasks into bite-sized pieces, making it easier to start and complete them. Plus, it forces you to take breaks, which helps you stay energized and focused. It’s not just about managing time—it’s about reducing stress and avoiding the guilt of feeling like you need to power through nonstop.

4. Outsource to Tools and Resources You Already Have

Outsourcing doesn’t always mean hiring outside help—it can also mean using the tools, resources, and technology you already have to lighten your load. As a working homeschool mom, you don’t need to do everything manually. The key hack here is to leverage what’s available to take some tasks off your plate, so you can focus on what truly needs your attention.

For example, your crock pot or an Instant Pot can handle dinner while you’re busy homeschooling or working. Set it up in the morning, and by the time dinner rolls around, you’ve got one less thing to stress about. Or, on days when you or the kids aren’t feeling 100%, you can use screen time in a healthy way—think of educational documentaries, or online learning tools, that still engage your kids while giving you a bit of breathing room.

You can also delegate age-appropriate chores to your kids or use services like grocery delivery or meal kits for days when you’re especially stretched thin. And, for the bigger tasks—like deep cleaning or yard work—consider hiring help when you can. The point is, you don’t have to do everything the hard way.

What this might look like:

On a busy workday, throw ingredients into the crock pot for a simple soup or stew and let it cook while you get through your tasks. Meanwhile, you can set your kids up with a fun science documentary that fits into their homeschool curriculum. You’re still homeschooling, but now you have some space to focus on work or take care of other tasks.

This time management hack is about making your day flow more smoothly by using what you already have at your disposal. By letting your tools (like the crock pot) or small conveniences (like a documentary) take care of some tasks, you free up mental energy and give yourself some much-needed space. It’s about working smarter, not harder, to reduce the load on your shoulders.

5. Plan Your Week in Advance (Yes, It’s a Hack!)

When you think of time management hacks, planning might not be the first thing that comes to mind. It’s usually seen as more of a system, right? But the truth is, anything that makes your life easier counts as a hack, and planning your week in advance is one of the simplest ways to do just that.

Taking a few minutes each Sunday to lay out your week can be a game changer. You don’t have to plan every single detail—just a rough outline of the non-negotiables (like work deadlines, homeschool lessons, or appointments) and where you might need some flexibility. Having a plan to refer to can help you stay on track, even when life throws unexpected challenges your way.

If you’re new to weekly planning or need a boost, I’ve got a free set of weekly planning pages to help you get started! You can sign up in the box below to download them and start organizing your week right away.

Free Planning Pages
✅ Month at a Glance
✅Weekly Plan
✅Daily Planning Pages
Featured Image

Plus, I walk you through exactly how to create a weekly plan in this post.

Let’s say your week is packed with work, homeschool projects, and family commitments. Instead of winging it every day, take 15 minutes on Sunday to map out your top priorities and set loose blocks of time for each one. Maybe Monday morning is focused on work, while Tuesday afternoon is all about homeschooling. By knowing what’s coming, you can mentally prepare and feel less overwhelmed when the week begins.

Planning ahead gives you a roadmap for the week, which reduces decision fatigue and helps you stay focused. Even when things get off track, you’ll have a clear sense of your priorities and can adjust as needed. This hack helps you feel more in control of your time, rather than feeling like you’re constantly playing catch-up.

More Resources to Help You Manage Your Time

If you’re looking for more ways to manage your time and reduce overwhelm, check out these additional resources:

Each of these posts is packed with actionable tips to help you take control of your day and feel more organized.

Take Control of Your Time

Managing your time as a working homeschool mom is no small feat, but with a few simple strategies, it’s possible to create a routine that works for you. These five time management hacks will help you feel more in control, less overwhelmed, and more productive in your day-to-day life.

Want more strategies like this? Inside the Working Homeschool Mom Coffee Club, we swap tips and strategies to help each other manage time, stay productive, and thrive in this unique lifestyle. Join us today!

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woman on floor with laptop working, text says Simplify Your Day: 5 Time-Saving Tips for working homeschool moms

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