Homeschool Planner For Working Moms
Looking for a homeschool planner for working moms? Finding the right planner to fit your homeschool, career, and life can be hard.
That’s why I created a printable planner that can handle all your planning needs and adjust as your life changes.
I firmly believe every homeschool mom needs a planner to keep track of everything that you are doing.
A working mom especially needs one that can help her keep track of her work tasks, and homeschool lessons, and all the rest easily.
Everyone has a different planning style and different planning needs, which is why I love a printable planner. You can print off the pages you need and leave what doesn’t suit you.
Let’s talk about why you need a planner as a working homeschool mom, why you need a homeschool planner, and why a printable planner is amazing. I’ll even tell you about the homeschool planner I use!
Why You Need A Planner
Do you ever get overwhelmed with all the things you need to do? Do you find yourself spinning your wheels or, in my case, pacing from room to room, knowing you need to do something, but you can’t quite put your finger on what exactly you need to do?
If so, you need a planner.
It can be so stressful to rely on your memory to keep track of all the homeschool lessons, homeschool activities, and social events. Never mind trying to remember work deadlines, appointments, and running a household.
A planner’s job is to provide structure to your day while allowing you to be flexible.
As working moms who homeschool, you want to add fun to your day and crave flexibility, but the only way you can get those things is if you make room for them in your schedule.
Using a planner helps you stay more organized, be less stressed, and learn how to be more productive as a working mom.
Why You Need A Homeschool Planner
As a working mom, you might wonder why you need to use a homeschool planner.
A homeschool planner is designed to help you organize your homeschool, plan your homeschool year and keep track of what your kids are learning.
Depending on what your homeschool requirements are, a homeschool planner can help you make sure you are checking off those requirements.
A homeschool planner is a great way to keep track of your schedule and plan out what your child wants to cover for the upcoming month.
Personally, I use a planner to reduce stress and decision fatigue. Once we figure out our homeschool curriculum and create a plan, I can stop deciding each week when to homeschool and what we are covering.
Instead, I can create my weekly plan and dive in.
When you have a plan in place it is much easier to follow through.
Why I Love Printable Planners
When I first started working and homeschooling, I quickly got overwhelmed by all my responsibilities. I knew I needed help keeping track of everything.
A fellow homeschool mom told me to get a planner.
So I did. And I used it for a few months and then stopped because my life changed, and it wasn’t working anymore.
Over the years, I’ve used a lot of different planners that would work for a few weeks to a few months. Eventually, they all stopped working.
The problem was that, as a working mom, my life was always changing.
I really needed a planner that allowed me to swap out the pages, layouts, and designs as needed.
This is where I learned a printable planner really shines. You can print off the pages you need when you need them.
If you choose a disc-bound styled planner instead of a coil bound, you can easily swap out the pages!
Homeschool Planner For Working Moms
How many planners are sitting on your bookshelf right now, gathering dust?
The problem I had with most planners was that I couldn’t change them as my life changed.
If I needed to count homeschool credits, I had to buy a new planner. If I wanted a vertical layout, again, a new planner.
I got sick and tired of buying new planners that didn’t work. I knew I needed to come up with a solution that worked specifically for me and my life.
I created my completely customizable homeschool planner for working moms.
And now I am offering it to you!
This homeschool planner for working moms makes changing your planner easy.
The Homeschool Planner For Working Moms Includes
When you purchase the Homeschool Planner For Working Moms, you get instant access to the complete planner.
- Year At A Glance Pages
- 12 Undated Monthly Planning Pages
- Weekly Planner (4 Different styles)
- Homeschool Subject Planning Pages
- Hourly Tracking Sheet
- High School Planning & Credits pages
- Undated pages – reuse it every year!
- Homeschool budgeting pages
- Quote pages
- And more!
Print it out instantly and create your planner!
All the printable pages are un-dated so that they can be reused any time of the year. You can fill in the monthly, weekly, and daily planning pages as you go.
Printable Planner Supplies:
This printable homeschool planner for working moms is designed to be printed off and written in.
The supplies I recommend to be used with this planner are:
- Printer Black & White or Color
- Disc Planner Punch
- 11 or 9 classic metal discs – for a disc-style planner
- 8.5 x 11 printer paper. Make sure the color ink won’t bleed through. I like 20lb or so.
- Card stock for cover and dividers
- Laminator for cover if you are using the Happy Planner Design or take it to your local paper supply store for laminating
- Planning tools like stickers, pens, highlighters, etc.
Disclosure: I may receive commissions for purchases made through links in this post.
Happy Planner Big Weekly Box Punch-Me & My Big Ideas Happy Planner Medium Disc Value Pack 66/pkg-Multi Color
Colored Cardstock A4 100 Sheet Card Stock Paper
I keep a running list of the planning tools I love on my Amazon shelf. You can see them here: Planning & Planner Must-Haves
How To Use The Printable Homeschool Planner For Working Moms
The best planner is the one you use. Do not purchase this planner and leave it downloaded on your computer.
Be sure to watch the video entitled “How To Use Your Homeschool Planner,” where I walk you through the different pages and help you see how to use them for your working homeschool mom schedule.
Print off the pages you want, hole-punch them, and start using them.
I recommend starting with a monthly overview page and a weekly layout that fits your planning style.
Then print off and add in the pages you need to stay organized.
Lastly, be sure to put your planner somewhere you will use it. I keep mine on the corner of my desk.
The Only Good Homeschool Planner
The best planner for you is the one you’ll use, not the one sitting on your bookshelf.
A good planner can help you know exactly what needs to be done each day in your homeschool, tasks to be done at work, and when they need to be done.
Planners are an excellent tool to help you stay organized and give you the flexibility you crave.
Check out my Homeschool Planner For Working Moms.
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Hi, I’m Jen. I help working moms juggle their career and homeschool their kids by providing support, systems and tools. You are warmly invited to Join the Online Community Here!