CTCMath: The Homeschool Math Program For Teens That Hate Math

Do you have a child who struggles with math? If you are looking for a great all-in-one online homeschool math program for your teen, I highly suggest trying out CTCMath.

Math is one of those subjects that brings up fear, dread, and instantly makes me feel like a failure as a homeschool mom.

It is also the first thing “homeschool haters” will quiz your child on.

And if your teen already hates math…this “help” is anything but helpful.

The truth is math is just ONE of my education weaknesses. I’ll be the first to admit that I detest math but recognize it matters.

CTC Math_ How we use it for high school

Disclosure: I may receive commissions for purchases made through links in this post.

Why Math Skills Are Important

Every single day we use math even if we don’t realize it.

In activities such as grocery shopping, paying bills, and planning a trip we understand and are aware that we are using math.

But math skills are also needed for cooking, baking, art, and even driving.

My son who is taking a driving course uses angles and percentages when practicing. I know because he likes to talk out loud while doing the math.

Math skills help your child develop critical thinking, think analytically and become better problem solvers.

Every single job or hobby you have requires math skills to some degree.

And since it is our job as parents to prepare our kids for LIFE teaching math is important.

The Trouble With Teaching Math

But, just because it is important doesn’t mean it it is EASY.

If there is one subject that was going to hold me back from homeschooling high school, math would be it.

Math is bad enough when you are dealing with numbers. When you start throwing in letters, degrees, and shapes just to name a few, I want to run the other way…far!

Confession: I failed grade 10 basic math. Needless to say, the fear of teaching high school math is REAL!

I remember the first day of class and the teacher walked around with a basket. She wanted us to hand over our calculators. Note: This was pre-cell phone!

She ended up re-teaching most of us in the class our basic math facts because none of us knew them.

Teaching math at a high school level is one of those fears that linger in the back of the mind only to pop up once in a while and cause doubt to flare.

Mix in a kid who hates math and doesn’t “get it” any more than I do and we have a problem.

For her, a math program results in tears, frustration and shutting down.

3 Tips To Help You Find The Right Math Program For Your Child

We’ve tried numerous math programs over the years, some worked for a month or two. Some never worked at all.

The beauty of homeschooling is you can keep testing and trying new programs until something DOES work.

3 tips to help you find what math program will work:

1. By taking note of what your child really hates about a program, you can cross off some without even trying them, narrowing down the choices.

2. I also recommend talking to your child. You might be surprised at what they tell you.

For example, I learned she really hates being rushed or when a program jumps on to a new topic before she has had a chance to practice what she just learned.

3. Take advantage of free trials to test out programs or discount codes to save money.

CTC Math homeschool discount

I found CTCMath while hunting around. Although CTCMath sponsors this review, I paid for the program and continued paying for it because we use it ourselves.

I wanted to share because Math is one of those subjects might stop you from homeschooling high school and this is the program that helped us overcome this fear!

Homeschool Math Program Requirements:

Fear of math shouldn’t hold you back from homeschooling in high school. What you need is the right tool for your family.

When choosing any program for your family, having an idea of what you are looking for saves time and money!

I like to start with a list of math program requirements based on the conversations I’ve had with my kids AND the requirements needed to fit my life.

Our math tool needed to be an online program that:

  • Is easy to use
  • Included both text and video to teach
  • Offered the option to print off the worksheets if needed
  • Is self-paced
  • Had a separate login for both her and me
  • Tracked her progress
  • Sent me reports and showed problem areas
  • Was simple and effective
  • Required no preparation or grading on my part

I am going to be honest, I didn’t expect to find a program that did all this AND was affordable.

I started with the free trial which I highly recommend. If a program offers it, try it because it is a great way to find out for yourself how the program works and if it works for your child!

⇒You can learn more about the free trial here: CTCMath Free Trial

CTC Math homeschool discount

READ: CTCMath: Is This Online Math Curriculum Right For Your Homeschool?

Before I go any further I’ll be sharing how I am using CTCMath with my teenager for high school levels and her personal thoughts on the program.

However, CTCMath is an online program for grades k-12. It is designed to help your child learn math in an easy to understand way without being pushed ahead or held back. Great for catching up, for keeping up, and for moving ahead.

CTC Math Review for High School

Why My Teen Likes CTCMath:

I often use the last few weeks of the homeschool year to test new programs for the next year.

I used this time to have her test out CTCMath and let me know what she thought of the program before purchasing.

Thankfully, CTCMath offers a free trial period which is a perfect way to see if the program will work for your child.

She loves it and has been using it for the past two years.

One thing she likes is the way the lesson is set up. There is a video to watch and then below it there will be a walkthrough by text that breaks down the video in a step by step format.

She also likes that if she is stuck she can stay on that level for as long as she needs.

There is also a printable version of the lesson that she can keep as notes or future reference.

And she really likes it when I print off the awards. It is a small thing but it really makes her happy 🙂

Why I Recommend CTCMath:

Finding the perfect curriculum for your family must include you. This program is great for busy moms.

I like that I can get weekly reports via email. Mind you, you do not have to receive these emails but I really like them. At a quick glance, I can see how she is doing.

In order to get weekly updates:

  1. log in to the Parent’s Area
  2. select your settings
  3. check off the ‘Weekly Reports’ option.

There is also the option within the Parents Area to view detailed reports at any time.

All records are printable, making it easy to document lessons for homeschool portfolios.

I don’t worry about the extra cost of tutors because when she gets stuck, she can re-watch the videos if needed. We can watch the walkthrough. We can print off the PDF and connect the dots.

With a program this versatile it really helps her see all the angles.

CTC Math homeschool discount

How We Use CTCMath For High School

As a working mom, I need programs my kids can use on the go. With CTCMath being online she can log in wherever we are.

It will keep track of what she has done and what she hasn’t completed yet.

This is how we use it for high school.

We start with a section.

For high school, your choices are:

  • Algebra 1,
  • Geometry, 
  • Algebra II, 
  • Trigonometry, 
  • Pre-Calculus
  • Calculus.

Inside that section are lessons. I assign at least one lesson a day depending on how she is doing and she works at her own pace.

Note: The lower grades K-6 are divided by grades and then within each grade, there are basic sections: Number, Patterns and Algebra,  Measurement, Space and Geometry, Statistics and Probability. 

I don’t have a “set” or end lesson I want her to get through. Our homeschool year runs from September to the end of May.

Because she hates math and really struggles, I am happy with whatever she gets done and understands.

How CTCMath Works With Math Goals

One of the benefits of homeschooling is that you can set your own goals that suit your child.

My goal is for math is for my daughter to understand how math works.

Checking off the boxes or high scores is great but if she doesn’t know how it works then what is the point?

If a “lesson” takes 10 minutes, she has to do more than one but if she is struggling for say for an hour or more I get her to stop for the day and we go back to it again the next day.

We do not move on until she understands how the math works.

At the end of the school year, I take note of where she finished and we start again the next year.

This is how I use it in view of our past experiences of Math and our goal for our homeschool. You can use it any way that fits your family.

CTC Math_ Affordable, Simple & Effective. (review)

Other Benefits of CTC Math:

♦ This program is great if you have multiple children because they have a family option. Plus homeschoolers get a great discount.⇒ See that here: Homeschool

By the way, I bought the annual price because it was the best deal but you can also choose monthly if you prefer. Click here to save 50% off the regular price!

♦ If your child is behind or ahead you can jump around to where you want them to be without paying extra. You have access to all the levels. (shown below)

What you get with CTC Math

♦ The help desk is great. One day we couldn’t access the student menu and I emailed them. I don’t do phone call support if I don’t have to because as a busy mom phone calls tie you down. 😉 They emailed back and let me know what I could do instead.

♦ The lessons are short and to the point. They are available in different formats such as audio/visual/text.

The lessons follow this pattern: a short video for each lesson followed by questions to answer. They also give you “unit” tests so you get some review again.

♦ There are 1,400+ tutorials should your child need help. They are around 4-9 minutes and provide step-by-step instructions. Learn more here: CTC Math How It Works

♦ The most common praise I have heard from other working moms using CTC Math is…User-friendly. Easy to navigate for both the child and mom.

CTC math banner

CTCMath is easy to use, great for all ages and not common core aligned. There are placement tests available for grades K-6.

As a busy mom of a child who not only struggles with math to the point of tears but detests math this program is amazing.

She no longer cries when it comes time to do her homeschool math lessons and her confidence has grown.

We have found combining CTCMath with real-life experiences allows her to see the value of what she is learning.

For example, she loves baking and cake decorating. Using math skills in this setting has really built up her confidence.

“No more tears” is more than I can ask for!

If you are looking for a great all in one math program I highly suggest trying out CTCMath.

CTC Math homeschool discount

I love the “done for you” approach, the interactive and short lessons and how we can customize it to fit our busy crazy life.

CTCMath is a great value for homeschoolers, who get 50% off the regular price. Purchase any 12-month family membership and receive a bonus of 6 months for FREE!

You’ll get unlimited access to all lessons across all grade levels. Students can work at their own pace, as fast as they want or as slow as they need to.

Follow CTCMath on Facebook, Twitter, PinterestYouTube, and Instagram for more testimonials and inspiration.

Take care, 


PS. If you are interested in checking out this program, be sure to sign up for a free trial!  OR if you’re ready to sign up, simply click here to receive a 50% discount, only for homeschooling families.

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Do you have a child who struggles with math? If you are looking for a great all in one online homeschool math program for your teen I highly suggest trying out CTCMath.

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