Online Homeschool Language Arts Curriculum for High School

Have you ever prejudged a program based on what you *think* you know about your kids–only to be DEAD WRONG??

Earlier this year my daughter had a two-day freak-out, crying fit because she couldn’t find a Language Arts program for high school she liked.

Even after 11 years of homeschooling, you would think I would know how to handle these things. Nope!

Homeschool Language Arts Curriculum for High School (Wrong Choice! Listen To Your Teen...)

Disclosure: I may receive commissions for purchases made through links in this post.

She hated them all!

You can read about THAT “fun” journey on picking out our Grade 10 curriculum here and what we ended up with here. 

We ended up finding one, but it didn’t excite her AT ALL. It “worked”. I didn’t order it yet because we start our homeschool year in September.

Therefore, when I saw this new Language Arts Program for Teens was released, I wasn’t all that excited about it.

As soon as I saw it I thought “Nah she won’t be interested.” Because … I couldn’t get her to watch a movie OR read poetry to save my life…?

It’s called: Poetry and a Movie: A Poetry Study for High School

Poetry and a Movie Leaderboard

As in, you use poems and movies. Two things she HATED.

I made a judgment call and said, “thanks but no thanks” to the offer to check it out.

Free Preview of Poetry & A Movie Language Arts Program

I was sent the preview of Poetry & A Movie. Checking out the preview is a great way to figure out if a homeschool course or curriculum will fit your child.

Here is how you can access that preview:

  1. Click here:  Poetry and a Movie page
  2. Scroll to about half-way down you will see a link to a free preview. (shown below click where the red arrow is pointing) 
Curriculum Planning: Have you ever made the WRONG choice?

One tip I always share is to show new programs to your child before you make the final decision. I learned that tip from this experience. When I found the preview I decided to show it to her. Right away, she said, “This looks like fun!”

Um, what??

As much as I have tried to make homeschooling fun for my kids, they are very much the “get it done” style of learning.

My son informed me, “hell starts in a few weeks” *sigh*.

BUT she loved this!! She even told her dad about it (which never ever happens!). We start in September, and I can’t wait to dig in.

Master Poets Poems & Movie Checklist (Download)

Before I go I wanted to share with you a quick checklist I made for her since she dashed off to find the books and movies, (I know right?! YAY!!)

Checklist for High School Poetry & Movie course
Master Poets Poems & Movie Checklist
Master Poets Poems & Movie Checklist

She’s slowly adding them to our list which you can see right here: Poetry & A Movie List

Online Language Arts – Poetry & A Movie

This course has all the elements you need for a full-year language arts course for high school! That’s right – a full credit for high school! This course includes 10 poetry units.

If your child decides to use this online language arts course, you will not need to purchase anything else to fulfill the “credit” requirement for that year.

Each poetry unit includes:

  • the study of a poet
  • a study of the poetry of this poet
  • a study of the literary elements found in the poetry
  • a writing assignment
  • a movie suggestion
  • a grammar component

This study was created to help teach kids in a way that appeals to multiple learning styles and embraces technology to enrich the learning.

I’ll be sharing how it works for us as soon as we use it.

So, if you are in the market for a language arts curriculum for your 7th grader or up that’s already prepared for you and is appealing to kids, then click here to check this out!

The Lesson I Learned: Talk To Your Kids

Show your kids new programs, ideas, books, projects…whatever. You NEVER know what they might say yes too.

Talking to your kids is vital but don’t be afraid to introduce them to out-of-the-box ideas.

Aka. Don’t be me. 😉 

Did you get your checklist? Click HERE!

Take care, 


PS. The launch price ends August 4th so be sure to grab check it out today! Poetry and a Movie: A Poetry Study for High School

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Homeschool Language Arts Curriculum for High School (Wrong Choice! Listen To Your Teen...) #highschool #homeschoolinghighschool #onlinelearning

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