30+ Nature Study Ideas for Busy Moms: Explore & Learn Together
Are you wondering how you can fit nature study with your kids into your busy life? As a working mom who is also homeschooling fitting in time to explore and learn about nature can be challenging! Let me share with you 30 plus ways you can make this work for your family.
I don’t know about you but the last thing I want to do is dig in the dirt with my kids after a long day at work.
I know it’s important for kids to be outside. Fresh air and all that but it’s so much work.
Isn’t it?
Challenges Of Including Nature Study
Including nature study in your routine as a working mom isn’t easy. It takes a lot of work, patience, and persistence.
First, you need to drag the kids away from the screens. Everyone is always harping on “too much screen time.” So the guilt kicks in because you wanted 5 minutes of peace and the tablet was right there!
Not that *I* have any problem with using online programs to teach my kids. But when homeschooling is over for the day and they chill out with their devices, I start to question how much screen time might be too much screen time…sigh.
Second, you need to get them dressed for the weather. Coats. Boots. Hat. Two socks. Matching is not required. Is it going to rain? Snow?
Finally, you get outside and according to Pinterest, you are supposed to do all this “fun stuff”. Tools or worksheets or something educational that you totally don’t have ready.
No wonder working moms can’t be bothered with pushing their kids outside creating, exploring, and learning about nature.
What Is A Nature Study?
With all this fuss, we might wonder what is a nature study and how important is it?
According to Merriam Webster Dictionary, “a study of the objects and phenomena of nature (as birds, flowers, minerals, and weather) usually on an amateur or superficial basis”
Nature study is what this is called in the lower grades, and we label it “botany” in the higher grades.
What I love about getting outside and slowing down to explore nature is that it forces the kids and me to observe the world around us intentionally.
As a working mom, it is so easy to get caught up in the day-to-day rush and checking off the boxes of life, but nature study forces me to slow down and focus on the beauty of science in nature around me.
The Benefits of Nature Study For You and Your Kids
Like anything, I need a solid reason for doing something I don’t want to do. And it better be a good one if it is using my time.
Since I am a list person I decided to create a list of reasons to kick my kids and myself outside:
- Being out in nature is one of the best ways for both mom and kids to ditch the stress. Sunshine, fresh air, exercise…all of these things keep us healthy and happy.
- It is a great way for kids to burn off some of that never-ending supply of energy! Maybe they will sleep tonight. Which means I can sleep.
- Unplugging. I work online as one of my jobs which means I am always connected to my email or some sort of notification.
- No screens. Or fewer screens which means I can feel good about allowing them to use screens later when I want to relax with a glass of iced coffee.
- We can learn something together. Learning new things together is one of the things I miss the most about working while homeschooling.
- It’s a great way to connect with my kids. I am always on the lookout for different ways to build a solid relationship with my kids.
Alright. I’ve got my list of reasons why we should go outside. Yay me! Did you make your own list?
I need a list of why because these reasons remind me and keep me focused on the end goal.
As much as I love camping and hiking, walking out my own front door is my personal struggle. Once I get out the door, I am okay.
This quote was found on a nature walk. “When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world.” -John Muir
Creating A Nature Study Resource List
Once I’ve convinced myself to get outside. The next thing I need to figure out is what to DO while we are out there.
Otherwise, it turns into whining and complaining about bugs or it being too cold or too hot. I needed a plan once we got out there.
According to nature study experts, you need to read all the books to do nature study correctly.
However, I am all about making it work for me, and sorry, but getting outside every day, sketching and diagraming all the things, keeping samples of everything doesn’t fit in my life.
Instead, I made a plan of what I wanted our nature study to be. And then I picked resources that worked with my plan.
The Nature Study resources on my list had to be:
- EASY “done for you” ideas.
- For all ages
- Fun
- Encourage exploring and learning
- Use easy-to-get or items I already own. Nothing fancy!
- Didn’t require me to use my 5:30 pm non-existent brain power.
To get this list I reached out to a few of my favorite online nature study creators and asked them if they had anything that fit the requirements above.
Keep reading for the list.
How To Use This Nature Study Resource List:
Before we get started, I want to share some dos and don’ts of using this list. Feel free to do the don’ts and don’t do the dos. In other words, do what works for you.
- Do not try to do all the suggestions in one month. This will only add to the stress and overwhelm instead of reducing it as intended.
- Do try to choose activities your family will enjoy. The list is big which means you should have at least 4 ideas (hopefully more!) that will suit. If you do one a week that gives you a whole month of plans!
- Do not freak out if you skip a week or two or even a whole month! Everything will be fine. Add it to your planner for the next time you have space for it.
- Do get creative and have fun. These are intended to be jumping-off points. So grab the resource but don’t be afraid to change it up and follow the interests of your kids.
- Do use your junk email. Some of these resources are free but require you to sign up via email to get them. Use a junk email you save for things like this and don’t forget to check it to get the freebie.
- Do be safe. Check the weather and dress accordingly. Go over any safety requirements before you leave the house. Check out my hiking safety tips here!
Create, Explore & Learn About Nature With Your Children
As you read through this list, make note of anything you think your kids would love to try.
Many of these ideas are on my list no matter what age they are designed for because that is just a suggestion. I never really know what my kids will say yes to unless I ask.
Remember that your nature study can be anything YOU want… from a walk through the woods, a full-day exploration, to detailed research and art project.
Lastly, there are a ton of ideas here. I organized them by section to make it easier for you. If someone handed me a list of 30+ ideas I may scream and run away.
I’ve been working on this nature study resource for ages and I know it might not be your thing. That’s okay.
Maybe you’ll find one of the online unit studies cool. Or maybe one of the bucket lists is exactly what you are looking for. Or maybe you are an indoor kinda mom and needed a few ideas on how to study nature from inside the house. Yes, I have some ideas for you too!
Just skip over anything you know your family would hate and go straight to the good stuff!
Seasonal Homeschool Bucket Lists
To kick things off I am sharing my personal number one hack for getting my kids outside no matter what season we are in >> BUCKET LISTS!
I love creating a list that I can hang on the fridge and check off. It is a great way to make sure connecting with my kids is a priority during this busy season of life.
This list is great for adding quick fun at the end of your workday because it is filled with quick and easy activities to connect with your kids that you don’t have to think about. Perfect for busy exhausted moms.
The key to making that work is to create a list of ideas you all love or want to try AND be honest about the time you really do have.
5 Nature Bucket Lists:
These bucket lists are designed to make connecting with your kids EASY! Click on each one to be taken to the list which is filled with clickable links to save you time!
- A spring bucket list will help you kick that cabin fever to the curb!
- This summer bucket list will help you find time to connect with your kids in this busy season.
- A fall bucket list can help make it easier on you as you slide back into a homeschool routine by adding FUN to your homeschool.
- A winter bucket list keeps ideas for learning fun at your fingertips before you lose your mind!
- Courtney has also created a FREE Summer Bucket List Ideas and Printable That Will Inspire You!
Don’t forget to sign up to get your bucket list printables below! You’ll find 21 pages total, blank pages for you to customize for your own family bucket list, and pages with a few ideas from this list.
3 Nature Journals For Kids
Nature Journals are a great way to add fun to your nature study and record what your kids are learning.
Remember: Keep it simple!
There is no need to get super complicated unless that is what your kids want to do.
Otherwise, record things such as the date, weather conditions, what was observed, etc. Add any written notes or sketches your kids feel were important or caught their attention.
If your kids do not like to sketch, a digital camera is a great way to record what you’ve seen. You can take them to Walmart to get them printed or print them at home.
The photos in this post with my logo on them were taken by my daughter on our own nature adventures. She uses a Canon Powershot.
Disclosure: I may receive commissions for purchases made through links in this post.
UCreate Sketch Diary, 11Canon PowerShot SX420 Digital Camera w/ 42x Optical Zoom – Wi-Fi & NFC Enabled (Black)
Canon PowerShot SX620 Digital Camera w/25x Optical Zoom – Wi-Fi & NFC Enabled (Silver) (Renewed)
Here are a few nature journals you may want to check out for your homeschool:
1 Nature Journal from Literary Adventures For Kids.
I wanted to share this great nature journal that we love and use. Some of the resources I list next encourage your child to draw, write, or research, and I like to keep it all in one place.
I used my color printer to print off the pages and then 3-hole punched them so I could add them to a binder.
Inside this printable nature journal you will find:
- Use the prompts to encourage your child to observe their environment and note all the creatures and plants they see and hear.
- Then use the sketch page to draw what they see or as a place to add flowers or leaves.
- The Charlotte Mason quotes remind us to teach our children to observe the world around them so they can become better stewards of it in the future.
- Use this nature journal with all of our online nature book clubs for an easy way to add nature study to your homeschool.
Click here to get your printable nature journal.
2. Informative Nature Journals for Kids
Homeschool Mastery Academy has designed these great informative nature journals for kids. A Nature journal for kids is the perfect way to get them outside and learning.
With these journals, you can encourage research skills, and writing skills, and help your students to learn about all of their nature discoveries.
3. Nature Journal: Kids Nature Journal
I wanted to include a non-printable nature journal for kids. This one on Amazon comes highly recommended.
It includes sketching pages, and pages encouraging kids to use their 5 senses, along with space to record and log details of every daily discovery.
By the way, a mom recommended the Nature Walk Journal as a great way for me to join in the fun. You can find them linked below if you want to check them out.
Explorer Journal For Little Explorers:: Kids Explorer Journal/ Nature Log Activity Book; Fun Nature Drawing And Journaling Workbook For Children. 6×9 Lined Journal.Nature Journal For Little Explorers: Kids Nature Journal/ Nature Log Activity Book; Fun Nature Drawing And Journaling Workbook For Children
Nature Journal: A Kid’s Nature Journal
Nature Walk Journal
Mini Nature Studies For Kids
Cindy created an entire series of nature studies for kids. Each of the ten nature studies brings you a creative nature walk idea and a fun follow-up activity designed for that topic.
Each mini nature study unit also includes:
- Creative walk
- Follow up activity
- and a book list!
10 FREE NaturExplorers Lessons
These studies are great for all ages. Enjoy the lessons. Use them with your children. Have fun outside. See serious science you can study in nature.
Click on each nature study to be taken to the study.
- Nature Study – Creeks
- Nature Study – Animal Signs
- Nature Study – Birds
- Nature Study – Clouds
- Nature Study – Erosion
- Nature Study – Fungi
- Nature Study – Ponds
- Nature Study – Rain
- Nature Study – Trees
- Nature Study – Wildflowers
Nature Study Online Book Clubs
As a book lover, learning I can base nature studies on books made me happy!
Literary Adventures For Kids has some of the BEST online book clubs for busy moms. (HINT: YOU!) Why? Because all the hard work is done for you.
Each nature study online book club comes with ideas for rabbit trails of discovery based on the book. You will find ways to learn by experiencing parts of the book through arts and crafts.
You will add a little nature study magic dust and go on outdoor adventures into nature.
At the conclusion of the story, you will have a “party school” celebrating nature’s mysteries.
While these books are perfect for younger kids PK- elementary, my teens have loved the ones we’ve done. You know your kids best.
10 Nature Online Book Clubs
Each of the following book clubs is based on a book. Please note: The book is not included.
Each book club explores different creatures and plants in nature and leads the student on nature walks for all four seasons.
You can click here to see ALL of the Nature Adventure Online Book Clubs.
I’m teaming up with Literary Adventures for kids to provide you with a special discount code, use WHSM at the checkout for 20% off!
Top 10 Nature Adventure Online Book Clubs
- Backyard Fairies Online Book Club for Kids ~ A Nature Adventure
- Little Bea Nature Book Club ~ A Buzzing Party School!
- The Tale of Peter Rabbit Online Book Club ~ A Nature Adventure
- The Legend of the Indian Paintbrush Online Book Club for Kids ~ A Nature Adventure
- A House Is A House For Me Online Book Club ~ A Nature Adventure
- Turtle in the Sea Online Book Club for Kids ~ A Nature Adventure
- Raindrop, Plop! Online Book Club for Kids ~ A Nature Adventure
- Fletcher and the Springtime Blossoms Book Club for Kids ~ A Nature Adventure
- Winter is Here Online Book Club for Kids ~ A Nature Adventure
- Those Darn Squirrels Fly South Online Book Club for Kids ~ A Nature Adventure
Add Art To Your Nature Study
Does the mess of making art at home make you twitchy? How about heading outside for twenty-five afternoons of creative play while your kitchen table stays clean?
The Art Experiences Outdoors e-book provides twenty-five outdoor creative experiences that allow your kiddo to think big, be a bit, messy, and have fun! These art starters are perfect for a play day or working together as a family.
These projects are designed for preschool through late elementary but are easily adaptable for enjoyment by any age.
Since these projects start with one “big idea” most are perfect for collaborative projects. Think camps, VBS, scouts, etc.
These projects are less structured than many of my lessons. They’re perfect for kids that always have their own ideas and struggle to sit at the table and work quietly. Give them a starting point and set them free!
Nature Study Resources You Can Do Inside
Let’s get real. Some days NO ONE wants to go outside. Maybe the kids are sick. Maybe the weather is just awful.
There are days I just can’t push myself out the door to learn about nature.
If you just can’t hack it, bring nature to you INSIDE.
9 Indoor Nature Study Ideas:
- Pick up an insect garden kit.
- Get a Tadpole to Frog Growing Kit.
- Plant a vegetable and herb garden in the house.
- Create a fairy garden. Inside or on a patio.
- Make and play Nature Cootie Catchers
- Play a nature board game.
- Read Nature Books and use nature journals to record/sketch what they learn.
- Watch a nature documentary.
- Visit a local zoo or aquarium.
LIVE Nature Study Classes:
Does your child learn better from someone else? Or maybe you need a break from your kid? #nojudgement!
Cindy is offering No Sweat Nature Study LIVE Classes!
What is LIVE Nature Study and how does it work?
In a nutshell, these are LIVE 30-60 minute, nature-based science lessons twice a month (1st & 3rd Tuesdays at 2 pm EST) for 1st-8th graders.
- Classes are interactive, fun, and full of science instruction.
- If attending live isn’t an option, all lessons are recorded and placed in a video library with 24/7 access. Perfect for those of us with crazy schedules!
- There are bonus video lessons for students and parents added to the library occasionally.
- The membership comes with FREE access to the entire digital No Sweat Nature Study series.
- Bonus: Members get 20% off the Our Journey Westward shop automatically.
- Although aimed at grades 1-8, younger and older students are welcome to join along.
- Families only need to purchase one membership.
Learn more here: No Sweat Nature Study LIVE
Be BRAVE! Do Nature Study Your Way
Remember, you get to decide what YOUR homeschool looks like. This includes your nature study.
So pick and choose and if something lights up your eyes or your child’s eyes then momma…be BRAVE and go for it!
What would you add to the nature study list?
Remember always be safe before you head out into nature. Check out my hiking safety tips here!
📌Don’t let this post get lost in the internet abyss – pin it to your Pinterest board now!
Hi, I’m Jen. I help working moms juggle their career and homeschool their kids by providing support, systems and tools. You are warmly invited to Join the Online Community Here!