Our 9th Grade Homeschool Curriculum

Oh, my little girl is growing up.  Choosing our 9th grade homeschool curriculum was a lot more fun than I was expecting.

My 13-year-old is absolutely a teen in every sense of the word if you catch my drift. 😉 Also why I am addicted to coffee…

I always wondered how a friend of mine growing up ended up completely different from her sister. “They were raised by the same parents in the same way…I don’t get it!”

Now I do. 

Our 9th grade curriculum feature

My two are night and day and exactly the same. If you have more than one child you know what I mean. 

She was excited about having more say over what she was studying this year. We picked out what she needed as far what was “required” as in the number of math, science, etc. She chose how to fill them.

Before you ask, no, she doesn’t know what she wants to do when she grows up. Also, no, this doesn’t freak me out. When I was 13, I didn’t know either.

You’d be amazed at how many people will ask my kids that question. I always love the “blank stare” response along with my need to fill the space. Gah!

Our 9th Grade Homeschool Curriculum (2017-2018)

As a mom who is juggling working and homeschooling finding the right curriculum for my family is hard. After she tells me what subjects she wants to study I use this step by step plan to help me find resources that my she can choose from.

By the way I also have a secret weapon ?  I LOVE this book to help me cure the fear and overwhelm of homeschooling high school. Read my review here: Cure The Fear: A Powerful Tool To Help You Homeschool High School With Confidence


Last year my daughter was using Easy Peasy but struggled. She said there was too much bouncing around, even though it is perfect for my son. I went hunting and we used June as a testing month on several different programs until we found one that worked. She will be using CTC Math, Algebra and we will be supplementing this with Knowre.

Language Arts:

She loves Easy Peasy for Language Arts, she will be doing the Literature and Composition. She will have daily reading time chunk of 30 minutes a day. I have not created a reading list but I will update her reading choices on the resource page that you can find on the top menu under Homeschooling Resources. (Choose 2017-2018 Grade 9)

For spelling, she will continue on with Spelling Workout, which we love!

Disclosure: I may receive commissions for purchases made through links in this post.


This year she chose Physics. Our core program will be from Easy Peasy but we will supplement with STEAM KIDS, Backyard ScienceScience Expeditions and anything else that catches our attention.

STEAM Kids in the Kitchen: Hands-On Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, & Math Activities & Recipes for Kids (STEAM Kids Books)STEAM Kids in the Kitchen: Hands-On Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, & Math Activities & Recipes for Kids (STEAM Kids Books)STEAM Kids in the Kitchen: Hands-On Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, & Math Activities & Recipes for Kids (STEAM Kids Books)STEAM Kids: 50+ Science / Technology / Engineering / Art / Math Hands-On Projects for KidsSTEAM Kids: 50+ Science / Technology / Engineering / Art / Math Hands-On Projects for KidsSTEAM Kids: 50+ Science / Technology / Engineering / Art / Math Hands-On Projects for Kids



She is required to study one year of Canadian History. This has proved to be a challenge as Canadian History is known to be boring and dry. We’ve always used Story of the World so this change will be huge.

I was unable to find what I wanted, therefore, this year I am pulling together my own curriculum. (Eeek!! I have only done this once before for a spring unit study)

I found the Canadian History Visions and Voices Textbook along with the Country Notebooking Pages. As she is a year behind her brother, she will be focusing on using Canadian Flyer Adventure books and Dear Canada books to dig in. We will pull from the textbook as needed.

Note: If you are studying Canadian Geography the pages for Canada are included in the Free 600 Pages! Or you can purchase just the provinces you want. 

Physical Ed. and Health:

We are pretty active family and will be aiming for 30 minutes a day. These will include swimming, skating, mountain biking, hiking, and shoveling snow.

Health we will be using Physical Fitness: Looking Good, Feeling Good as our spine.


Last year we did art together. We started with Studio Art for Teens which included basic lessons and then you can choose a topic. Next, we moved on to our own version of Inktober. Lastly, we did different crafts that caught our attention. It was a lot of fun.

This year she has decided to start Drawing Professionally. This course is designed to be done at your own pace, not in a certain number of days. It is recommended she spend at least an hour a day drawing. Some assignments can be done in minutes, some will take weeks. We shall see how this goes.

She has been saving and family members often gift her art supplies. She is really looking forward to digging in.

Foreign Language:

We started with ASL Rochelle Summer Camp last year and she loved it. We had so much fun. Then we did Schoolhouseteachers.com ASL program but it wasn’t a good fit for her. So we returned to Rochelle’s YouTube Channel Learn ASL in 31 Days. I love how much fun she makes it.

There we have it. Our 9th grade homeschool curriculum choices. It is nice to hear we have been approved with these choices but still have the freedom to switch tracks if needed.

You might think that high school is scary. I sure did. I have learned that it is great to be able to step back and let her take responsibility for her education. This has been massive since she struggles with being confident in her choices.

Are you homeschooling high school? I would love to hear your thoughts or anything you used and loved in the past. Let me know in the comments below ?

Take care,


PS. Last year was my first year homeschooling High School. I thought it was going to be a big horrible scary year. It wasn’t. If you are worried you can’t do this, breathe deep momma and repeat after me, “I got this!” Have a little faith and trust in you <3 

I LOVE this book to help me cure the fear and overwhelm of homeschooling high school. Read my review here: Cure The Fear: A Powerful Tool To Help You Homeschool High School With Confidence

Are you homeschooling high school? Check out our line up for grade 9 this year!

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