7 Day Cleaning Schedule For Busy Working Homeschool Moms

Do you ever feel like your to-do list is a mile long, and every day is a juggling act? If you’re a working mom who homeschools, you’re not alone. Juggling work, education for your kids, and home life can be overwhelming.

But keeping up with your housework doesn’t need to be part of the problem. I am sharing a 7 day cleaning schedule designed especially for working homeschool moms like you and me.

In the chaos of teaching, working, and being the guiding force of your household, it’s all too common to feel like you’re in a constant race against the clock. That’s precisely why I’m here with cleaning tips for busy moms like you.

woman sorting towels, post 7 day cleaning schedule

I understand the daily juggling of all the things, the unending tasks, and those to-do lists that never seem to shrink, making you yearn for an extra pair of hands.

That’s precisely why I’ve crafted a practical, user-friendly 7 day cleaning schedule that’s designed to address your unique challenges. It’s time to reclaim command over your home and make your home feel clean (er?) than it currently is!

Your 7 Day Cleaning Schedule

While I’ve shared a weekly cleaning schedule for working moms in the past, I’ve decided to break this one down by days. You are more than welcome to change it up for the needs of your family, such as adding pet care or accommodating your work schedule.

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The goal of this 7-day cleaning schedule is to provide you with a flexible framework. I want to encourage you to adapt these lists to fit your needs. There are things I do every week, like sweeping my kitchen floor, that you may need to do more often. That’s okay!

Or perhaps, tasks I have on day 3 really need to be moved to day 1. This is why I’ve numbered the days, making it easier for you to move them around, rather than listing them by specific weekdays.

Just like homeschooling, it’s important to use what you can from this 7 day cleaning schedule and adjust the rest to make it work seamlessly for your unique situation. Now, let’s dive into Day One!

Day 1 Declutter: Kickstart Your Home Cleaning Journey

Is your home feeling like it’s bursting at the seams with stuff? Take a deep breath; we are going to start with decluttering, one step at a time, with practical tips that won’t add to your overwhelm:

  • Room by Room: Start with a single room; perhaps it’s the living room, where your family spends most of their time. Focus your energy and attention on that space.
  • Trash or Donate: It’s time to sort out the keepers from the clutter. Grab a trash bag for items that need to go straight to the bin. Use a box for things you’re ready to donate or sell. Ask yourself some key questions: Does it serve a purpose? Have you used it recently? Is it broken beyond repair? Based on these questions, decide if it’s a keeper or if it’s time to bid it farewell.
  • One Hour Rule: If the idea of decluttering your entire home feels overwhelming, that’s completely understandable. Here’s a trick: set a timer for just one hour and tackle as much as you can in that time. When the hour is up, give yourself a well-deserved break. Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is your decluttered haven!

Keep in mind that the goal here is progress, not perfection.

By breaking down the daunting task of decluttering into manageable chunks, you’ll begin to less stuff to clean ad keep organized in your home.

This 7 day cleaning schedule is all about helping you regain control over your living space, step by step.

Day 2: Dust and Shine for a Cleaner Home

Ah, dusting! I have a confession to make – it’s one of those tasks I’d rather avoid. However, it’s a necessary evil to maintain a clean and healthy home. In fact, dusting not only makes your home look cleaner but also contributes to better indoor air quality.

So, let’s dive into Day 2 of our 7 day cleaning schedule and conquer the dust.

  • Tools of the Trade: Grab a microfiber cloth or a duster, whichever you prefer. Having the right tools can make the job feel less daunting. (I have a full list of cleaning supplies if you are looking for favorites!)
  • Top to Bottom: Start from the highest points in the room and work your way down. Dust settles, so by beginning at the top, you avoid re-dusting lower surfaces.
  • Don’t Forget the Neglected Spots: It’s easy to overlook places like ceiling fans, light fixtures, and the tops of shelves. These spots are dust magnets, so pay them some extra attention.

Now, here’s a secret weapon to make dusting a bit more fun and involve your homeschooling kids: Turn it into a game or a challenge. See who can find the most dust bunnies or make it a race against the clock.

Engaging your children in the cleaning process not only lightens your load but also teaches them valuable life skills and responsibility. Plus, it’s an opportunity for some quality family time while getting the job done!

the 7 day cleaning schedule written out by bullet points

Day 3: Revitalize Your Kitchen

Your kitchen serves as the heart of your home, a place where meals are made, and (hopefully) cherished family memories are made.

However, it can also turn into a hotbed of messiness. In Day 3 of our 7 day cleaning schedule, we’ll breathe new life into your kitchen.

Start by focusing on one kitchen appliance at a time. Begin with your microwave and give it a thorough wipe-down. Move on to your toaster, coffee maker, or any other appliances you use regularly. A clean appliance not only looks better but also functions more efficiently.

While you’re at it, clear your countertops of items that don’t belong there. Keeping your counters clutter-free not only looks better but you can find things faster!

Don’t forget involving your homeschooling kids in the kitchen cleaning can be both educational and fun. Teach them age-appropriate tasks like washing dishes or wiping down surfaces. It’s an excellent way to instill a sense of responsibility in them and create valuable bonding moments. My kids are more likely to open up if they have a task to focus on.

laundry basket on the table for your 7 day cleaning schedule

And if you want more help keeping your kitchen clean, be sure to check out the Kitchen Quick Fix: A Busy Homeschool Mom’s Guide.

Day 4: Bathrooms That Don’t Smell!

Cleaning bathrooms may not be the most glamorous task, but it’s absolutely crucial for maintaining a clean and healthy home. If you have multiple bathrooms, pick just one to tackle today – I’m all about manageable steps in this 7 day cleaning schedule.

Here’s how to approach it:

  1. Clear the Surfaces: Start by removing items from the counters and shelves. This clears the way for a thorough clean and helps you spot any lurking messes.
  2. Scrub Away: Dive into the cleaning process by scrubbing the sink, toilet, and bathtub or shower. These are the main areas that require your attention.

Now, here’s a little secret – bathrooms tend to get messy quickly, which is why I include them in my daily cleaning schedule, especially in a busy household. The key here is to remember that it’s not about achieving perfection but making steady progress.

By breaking it down and addressing one bathroom at a time, you’ll maintain a clean, if not absolutely spotless, bathroom.

If you happen to have more than one bathroom, you have options. Get the kids involved to handle the others or simply add them to another “day” in your cleaning schedule if that suits your routine better.

Day 5: Clean Floors

I swear my floors are always dirty so I try to take one day a week and do a deep clean! Let’s dive into Day 5 of our 7 day cleaning schedule and tackle our floors!

Here’s the plan:

  1. Sweep or Vacuum: Start by sweeping or vacuuming. Make sure to get into those often-neglected corners and under furniture where dust and those elusive pet hairs tend to gather. Say hello to those dust bunnies – they won’t be missed!
  2. Mop or Clean: Afterward, it’s time to mop or clean your floors according to their specific type. Each floor material has its unique care needs, so be sure to use the appropriate method.

Clean floors do more than just look good – they contribute to a healthier home environment, which is especially important if you have little ones crawling around.

Day 6: Keeping the Cycle of Clean Clothes Rolling

Laundry – it’s one of those chores that some prefer to handle daily, while others find it more manageable as a themed day. And that’s one of the reasons I created this flexible 7 day cleaning schedule.

Today, it’s all about the laundry marathon!

Here’s a perspective on laundry that might ease the load: KC Davis from Struggle Care.com shared, “I signed up so that my family always has clean clothes. I did not sign up so that my family never has dirty ones.”


Do you have a pile of laundry sitting somewhere in your house right now? I know I do. And I’m not sure I want to admit how long it’s been there 🫢 BUT that doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with me. And it doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with you either! On today’s episode of the melrobbinspodcast, KC Davis (@Kc Davis) answers the question, “How can I be successful in many areas of my life but fall short on getting the laundry, dishes, or grocery shopping done?” Listen now 👇 “11 Crazy Facts About Laundry, Showering, & Getting the “Little Stuff” Done That Will Make You Laugh (and Prove You’re Doing Better Than You Think)” 🔗 in bio #melrobbins #changeyourlife #mindset #createabetterlife #takecontrol #motivation #tidyhome #lifehack #laundry #getshitdone #yougotthis #podcast #podcastepisode #newepisode

♬ original sound – Mel Robbins

Laundry is a cycle, not a one-time task. Don’t be too hard on yourself just because you have dirty laundry; it’s part of life. The real goal is to ensure you always have clean laundry when you need it.

For those who like to sort, here’s a method that works wonders:

  1. Sort It Out: Begin by sorting your laundry into categories – whites, colors, and delicates. This makes the washing process more efficient and helps preserve your clothes’ colors.
  2. One Category at a Time: Start with one category and work your way through. Take it step by step to prevent feeling overwhelmed.
  3. Prompt Folding and Putting Away: One golden rule of laundry day is to fold and put away the clean laundry promptly. This helps you avoid the dreaded new pile from forming and keeps your home feeling organized.

Laundry day can also be a fantastic opportunity to teach your kids about responsibility. Even the youngest ones can help sort socks or fold small items. Plus, there’s something incredibly satisfying about the feeling of fresh, clean laundry. It’s a small victory in the world of homemaking!

Day 7: Family Cleanup, Bonding, and Making Housework Fun

The final day of our 7 day cleaning schedule is all about bringing the family together. Keeping the house clean can be a bonding experience, and believe it or not, you can make it fun!

Here’s how to turn cleaning into a family affair:

  1. Assign Tasks: Start by assigning tasks to each family member, including your homeschooling kids. Alternatively, create a list, like the one in my cleaning planner, and let everyone pick a task that suits them. Now is a great time to tackle that extra bathroom, the homeschool room, or whatever didn’t get done earlier in the week.
  2. Turn on the Music: Make it fun by playing some music – turn cleaning into a lively game. You’ll be surprised at how quickly things get done when everyone is having fun.
Cleaning planner for busy moms ad

Remember, when the whole family pitches in, not only does the workload lighten, but you also create lasting memories and reinforce the importance of working together. So, let’s make the final day of cleaning a memorable and enjoyable experience!

Cleaning Help For Busy Moms:

Keeping the house clean with kids, pets, working and life is HARD! Here are a few more cleaning resources to help you create your own 7 day cleaning schedule.

Small Steps, Big Changes

As we wrap up this 7 day cleaning schedule for busy homeschooling moms, always keep in mind that it’s about taking small, manageable steps. Life can get overwhelming, but breaking down cleaning tasks makes it easier to get them done.

Your home is more than just a house; it’s your sanctuary, where cherished memories are created.

While I’ve never heard a mom say, “I wish I spent more time cleaning.” we do need to clean the house.

With this quick and easy 7 day cleaning schedule, you can maintain a clean and organized space that nurtures both your work and homeschooling, making life a little easier for you and your family.

📌Don’t let this post get lost in the internet abyss – pin it to your Pinterest board now!

woman folding and putting away towels

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