5 Ways To Organize Your Food Cabinets To Prep For A New Homeschool Year

As the new school year approaches, many working moms are starting to get organized. One of the most important areas to organize is the food cabinet! If you’re like me, you’re in full swing, getting ready for a new homeschool year.

One of the things I do every year is to get my cabinets ready and organized for a brand new year! There are always some quick and easy ways to do this that can make your life much easier during the homeschool year. So today, I’m going to share my top tips for organizing your food cabinets!

Woman organize food cabinets

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Why You Need To Organize Your Food Cabinets

Chances are, if you have growing kids who are always hungry, you’ll have a well-stocked food cabinet. However, unless it is well-organized, it can be pretty tough to find what you need. Add that to your already busy planning schedule for your upcoming homeschool year, and you will have absolutely no time for anything else if you keep things cluttered.

It’s happened to the best of us. We’re looking for a specific can of food in the cupboard, and we have to move 10 others just to get to it. Or your kids have been busy “helping” you put away groceries or cooking in the kitchen, everything is everywhere!

So frustrating and a huge waste of time. Spending a few minutes organizing your food cabinets can go a long way to removing some of that frustration!

How To Quickly Organize Your Food Cabinets

This process will go super quickly if you’ve already completed your kitchen inventory. If you haven’t, consider this a quick fix until you have time to do a complete inventory.

To speed up this process, here are a few tips to organize your food cabinets faster:

  1. Look at your upcoming week and block off 15-30 minutes to work on food cabinet organization.
  2. Choose one section to organize at once. For example, I try to organize all my upper cabinets at once. Then tackle the bottom ones later.
  3. Have supplies gathered beforehand (see list below).
  4. Involve the kids. This advice depends on the age/stage of your kids and your personal time restraints. If you need to zip right through, you may want to invite your kids to help at another time.

Supplies For Organizing Your Food Cabinets

I’m all about preparing as much as I can before I begin a task. I hate starting a task and then going to hunt down a supply I’ll need because I get distracted.

I go looking for a marker, realize my desk needs to be decluttered, find an item on my desk that should be in my bedroom, and before I know it, my timer has gone off and I’ve accomplished nothing.

To prevent this, I gather the cleaning supplies (check out some of our must have cleaning supplies here) I need before I begin. Here are a few you might need:

  • Box or bag for expired food items
  • Markers
  • Labels
  • Plastic containers in different sizes
  • Bonus: cleaning spray ( I love Method Cleaners for the kitchen) and rags if you have the time to do a quick spot wipe to clean up spills
Jars for Food Cabinet Organization Ideas

5 Quick Food Cabinet Organization Ideas

If you’re tired of moving around cans of food, here are 5 quick ways to organize your cupboards for an easier, stress-free storage solution and get you, chef mom, ready for the new homeschool year.

1. Throw out expired food items

A well-stocked pantry can be a lifesaver on busy weeknights. It is convenient, comes in really useful in emergencies, and has an extra-long shelf life. However, because those food items last a very long time, it’s easy to just forget about them.

You may just be surprised by the amount of food you have lurking in the back of the cabinet which has actually expired. The first step to organizing your food cabinets is by sorting through the pantry and throwing away any expired food items.

Next, make a list of all the non-perishable items you need to restock, such as canned goods and pasta. Once you have a list, you can start planning your meals around what’s already in your pantry.

Not only will this help you save money, but it will also help reduce food waste. So next time you’re feeling overwhelmed by what’s for dinner, remember to take a look in the pantry first, and you may just find the perfect meal waiting for you.

Get Dinner On The Table Fast! 
Featured Image

2. Label the tops of cans

If you store your cans in a drawer, it’s difficult to see what each one is. Anyone who has ever tried to find a specific can in a cluttered kitchen drawer knows the frustration of sifting through silver lids.

Labeling the tops of cans is a great way to organize your food cabinets since it can save you time and hassle by making it easy to see what’s inside. You can use a black marker pen to write directly on the lid, or you can stick on labels.

Either way, you’ll be surprised how much difference it can make. Not only will you be able to find what you need more quickly, but your kitchen will look more organized and tidy as well.

Next time you’re reaching for that can of soup, take a moment to label it first. Your future self will thank you.

3. Separate cans into open containers

A well-organized kitchen can make cooking and meal preparation a breeze. One way to achieve this is to store canned goods in plastic containers, grouping them by type. And storing cans in plastic containers is a great way to organize your food cabinets, maintain that organization, and save space.

This method allows you to see at a glance what type of canned goods are in each container, and it keeps the cans from rolling around and getting lost in the back of the pantry. You’ll be able to find what you need quickly, and it also helps to prevent misplaced or expired cans.

Simply label each container with the type of canned goods it holds, and you’ll always be able to find what you need in a snap. Not only is this storage method practical, but it also looks great on your pantry shelves.

Plastic storage containers are also relatively inexpensive, so you can easily buy a few extra to accommodate your growing collection of canned goods. Best of all, this storage solution takes up very little space, so it’s ideal for small kitchens or crowded pantries.

Whether you’re dealing with a can overflow or simply want to be more organized, the next time you’re looking for a clever way to organize your food cabinets and your canned goods, try using plastic storage containers.

4. Store dried foods in containers

A well-stocked pantry can be a lifesaver on those nights when you don’t have time (or energy) to cook a full meal. However, if your pantry is filled with opened packets of food, it can be difficult to find what you’re looking for – not to mention, it looks messy.

One of the best ways to organize your food cabinets is to transfer dry goods into food storage containers. This will not only help you keep track of what you have on hand, but it will also make your pantry look tidier.

This simple step can make a big difference in how you organize your food cabinets and cupboards and make them look tidy and function properly. Plus, food storage containers come in a variety of sizes and designs, so you can easily find one that fits your needs.

And by transferring dry goods into containers, you can help to keep them fresh and reduce the risk of pests. That’s always a plus!

If you’re looking for a way to make your pantry more organized, consider using food storage containers. You may be surprised at these food cabinet organization ideas with how much of a difference they can make!

5. Arrange food items by date

Expiration dates are tricky. Most of us have had the experience of picking up a carton of milk from the grocery store, only to get home and realize that it expires the next day.

While expiration dates are meant to give us an idea of when food will no longer be safe to eat, the reality is that many products can still be enjoyed long after their expiration date has passed.

In fact, the United States Department of Agriculture estimates that Americans throw away nearly 40% of all food that is produced each year. That’s so much food! A large portion of this wasted food is still perfectly edible but has simply been discarded because it has reached its expiration date.

One simple way to reduce food waste is to organize your food cabinets or cupboards so that items with the shortest shelf life are placed in front. This way, you are more likely to use them before they reach their expiration date. Not only will this help to reduce food waste, but it can also save you money by ensuring that you make use of all the products you purchase.

Just try to get into the habit of rotating your cans each time you go to the grocery store. It shouldn’t take any more than 5 minutes to do! Same with your refrigerator – clean it out before you restock it with your new food.

Quick Ways to Organize Your Food Cabinets To Prep for a New School Year

I don’t know about you but by the time our new homeschool year rolls around my food cabinet is a mess. Cans of soup and boxes of cereal are crammed in haphazardly, and it can be tough to find what you need when you need it.

But there’s no need to live in chaos! There are plenty of easy and affordable ways to keep your food cabinet organized.

These simple food cabinet organization ideas are just a few ideas you can follow to organize your food cabinet to help you start your new homeschool year running smoothly. Storage containers, drawer organizers, and a labeling system are among the ones I really recommend!

You can turn your food cabinet into an organized and efficient storage space by taking a few simple steps. You’ll be totally ready by the time your homeschool year begins!

Take care,


PS. Do you need lunch ideas for your homeschool? Check out some of our favorite lunch ideas for kids!

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