How to Get Online High School Math Help Using Knowre

I hate math.

There I said it.

I know it is important. Vital. Something we use every day.

However, if there is one subject that was going to hold me back from homeschooling high school math would be it.

Math is bad enough when you are dealing with numbers. When you start throwing in letters, degrees, and shapes just to name a few, I want to run the other way…far!

This is one of those fears that lingers in the back of the mind only to pop up once in a while and cause doubt to flare.

Do you need help homeschooling high school math? Check out this review of knowre !

*I received Knowre for free and I was compensated for my time to review this product. All opinions are my own and I am not required to give a positive review. If I didn’t like it, I wouldn’t share. 

Can I really homeschool high school level math?

I’ve decided since I will be homeschooling two high schoolers next year I had better get a plan in place.

I knew from experience that online programs work best for busy moms on the go. I needed something the children could take with them.

I was looking for an online program that was:

  • Easy to use
  • Used both text and video to teach
  • Separate logins for each child
  • Track their progress
  • And fun!

Last month I heard about, which is on online supplemental math program for your older children.

How Knowre works:

Knowre focuses on helping older children learn math skills online by identifying gaps in learning. Then providing students with a personalized curriculum to help them achieve their full potential.

You can choose between:

  • Pre-Algebra
  • Algebra 1
  • Geometry
  • and Algebra 2

Right now, Knowre has a special introductory offer of $29/user/year that expires August 31, 2017.  This is an awesome deal at just $2.42 / month! So be sure to sign up before then to grab that deal!

When purchasing a license keep in mind that each license is for one user (child) per year. License starts on the day the user signs up for an account and is automatically set to expire one year from date of sign-up. The great thing about it is each child can access the product online and through the iPad app. They get access to all the curricula (Pre-Algebra, Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2).

You have two options school or homeschool.

Get online math help for homeschooling High School

Using Knowre as a Teacher:

The School option I am going to be honest, I did not spend a lot of time looking it over as I zeroed in on the homeschool option.

One thing I did see that is that in three simple steps, teachers can assign lessons and review problems to one, several, or all students and set submission dates.

You can track all the students individually in the teacher dashboard.

You can also choose to assign a student an assignment or a review. If you are a teacher you will want to see all the options.

Using Knowre as a Homeschooler:

Knowre was extremely easy to set up for each child. I provided a username and password for each.

When your child logs in they arrive at the “Base Camp”. I had them watch a video before we tried it out so they had an idea of what to expect.

At this point, they chose the math level they wanted. My son wanted to review his Algebra to prepare for next year. My daughter tried Pre-Algebra.

As you can see you have access to the Learning Map screen. This map is an outline showing the path they will take as well as allowing the student to move around easily.

Take a peek at Knowre Learning Map Online help for homeschool

In order to move on to a new lesson, they need “coins”. The children are rewarded coins for correct answers. They are also rewarded stars. There was much discussion in my house over who had the most stars. This was a highlight of Knowre for my children.

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How Knowre helps me teach high school math:

One of the worse moments for me in homeschooling is when my child is stuck and I can’t help!

As someone who struggles with math, I knew this was going to be an issue in High School Math.

The Walk Me Through feature had me jumping for joy! With a click of a button, the problem is broken down step-by-step, much like the way a private tutor would work with a student one-on-one.

My son mentioned, there are many videos for each question. These videos are short step by step instructional videos that show how to work through the problems.


Knowre online math homeschool high school

Progress Reports:

Do you know how hard it is to get teenagers to tell you how a course is going?

The conversation goes like this:
Me: “How was math today?”
Them: “Fine.”
Me: “Learn anything new?”
Them: “I don’t know.”

Needless to say, I can check the progress on my own, by logging into the child’s account and looking under view the progress reports for each level.
I can also view achievement and progress for each chapter and lesson as well as click on each lesson index card to view performance by the question.

No more “fine” answers.

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Knowre on the Go with online help!

Online Math Help Anywhere Even Breakfast

We are often on the go and the children take “school” with them using their tablets.

Both of my children use an iPad. With the annual subscription, you can download the iPad app. To do that you go to the app store and search for “Knowre for homeschool”, and choose “download”.

You can log into your account. It walks you through a quick review of how it all works. All of the progress you made on the computer is right there on your iPad.

The iPad app supports handwriting recognition and has an on-screen scratch pad.

Use Knowre to Conquer Your Fear of Teaching High School Math

Knowre is fun, easy to use and has great support for the student.

My “must have” feature are the video walk-through. It is just like having a tutor in your house. Except cheaper and on call whenever you need them 😉

This feature alone is what makes me feel empowered to teach High School Math. I know I can provide my children with the tools they need to succeed.

Win with a Knowre Giveaway!

Would you like to win a 1-year subscription to Knowre, including all curricula—Pre-Algebra, Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2?

Enter to win below:

Knowre math subscriptions


Tell me, are you excited about teaching high school math or worried?

Take care


PS. You can learn more about Knowre at the following places, so be sure to check them out!






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